Day Five (of 21) .. and we are reminiscing big time!
Woke up today to a dreary Suva.

We decided to spend the morning retracing steps of days gone by.

House (2014). Fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, big yard. $1,800fjd per month.

Our apartment (2012). FYI, 2 bedroom, fully furnished, pool. $2000fjd. Loved this place.

Apartment (2015). 3 bedroom, unfurnished, no hot water. $1,000fjd per month. Loved this place too.

Up those stairs was my daughter’s Kindy (2012).
Town was manic today. Our Taxi Driver told us it was the last Civil Servant’s payday today, before Christmas so everyone was out buying up big.
In some ways Suva hasn’t changed one bit. But in others, it doesn’t feel like the same city I love. There are a lot of new restaurants everywhere run by Koreans/Chinese which look very clean, and modern and delicious. But I miss the charm of Fiji before, when the shops were run by Fijians - both indigenous and of Indian descent. It’s hard to put into words, but it is kind of becoming like any other city in the World. I miss it’s old charm. There are even Donut Kings here now. I liked the old style “bubakou” donuts. Why does Fiji need Donut King?
Anyway, the traffic was so much worse than I’ve ever seen. I felt sick, but I think it was more sad at the changes I saw, so I went back to have a nana nap. Hubby went off with a mate we’ve known for 6 years now. We met him buying coconuts off the road side in Raiwaqa.
They went off to get a “Mushroom” haircut (my idea! LOL - for future reference non-Fijian hair doesn’t really mushroom cut well- hahahaha!).
Although the mushroom cut didn’t work out, they bumped into Jerry Tuwai, the Fiji 7s Captain.
Some cute kids in Raiwaqa making use of some abandoned tyres, and having heaps of fun.

We saw 7-12 which is like 7-11 but not. Not sure if it sold Slurpees?

And then we had a rematch of Monopoly Deal.

And to round off today’s post, here is another two pretty Christmas Trees we’ve come across (including one pretty gal).

It’s hard to believe Christmas is so close.
Chat tomorrow xx