Day Four (of 21)... Highway To Suva
Nadi To Suva today with some stops along the way to see long-lost friends.
We don’t pack light. I seriously need to learn how to. To be fair, three of those big black bags are filled with clothes/prezzies/chocolates etc for our friends. So we will be three bags less after our Suva trip. (And that pink bag - it’s filled with yet another load of washing!)

Nadi traffic is a nightmare. And people cross the road without checking first whether a car is coming to run them over. For all their great qualities, some Fijians don’t make good pedestrians. I think it’s because when you don’t drive, it’s hard to understand what a Driver faces. Traffic, and pedestrians equal Crazy town.

When we got out of Nadi Town, the Fiji I love hit me with it’s beauty and it’s love.
Green hills, and friendly folk. Riding in the back of a carrier, this friendly guy waved at us sharing his Bula Spirit.

First up was a stop off in Cuvu, Sigatoka. I forgot to take pics because we were too busy hugging and chatting, except for the little road into their house...

Look at the left side with the pink veranda, that’s where I lived for 6 weeks back in 2014. The best family ever. Love them to bits.
Next up, we visited Margie and Sir Bill in their village just past Sigatoka.

Big love for them.
We surprised them, so when we arrived Margie was in the river fishing for Kai (river mussels) and Bill had to go find her. She was so shocked, she was lost for words. Margie is never lost for words! When we gave them some prezzies we bought over for them they cried. It was so humbling. Then they prayed. But not before Bill sat under his shower washing off the river. Big love.

It was seriously so hot at Margie’s village. By this stage we were Hangry times a million. Quick cheese sandwich from Baravi. Knowing it was still 2 hours to Suva... we wanted to get on the road.

It rains all the time in Suva. We could tell we were heading in the right direction when the rain started.

We stopped to chat to some kids selling fruit on the side of the road. They yelled “Selfie!” so I obliged and took a pic.

Then my kids fell asleep. Big day, started off at 10am and still on the road by 6pm.

Not long later we arrived in Suva City.
Checked in.
Then swapped rooms because it was Filthy Town. We got upgraded to a one-bedroom suite - Vinaka Vakalevu! And the Security Guard who was tasked with helping Hubby move all those bags summed everything up nicely “Excuse me Mam, why are your bags so heavy?”.
I just laughed. Yep, they’re heavy and they’re plentiful. Sorry!
Can’t wait to wake up in Suva tomorrow!
Goodnight X