Where Oh Where have you been?
Well Hello! or Bula Bula my Friends...
Long time, no blog post!! I'm sorry Friends.

This won't be a long post. I just want to quickly update you without getting all soppy and detailed. I've been missing in action since June due to being really unwell. And I'm only finally starting to get back to normal now, after 6 months of recouperation and building myself back up again.
We were meant to head back to Fiji in August but I ended up having Emergency Surgery in June, and I didn't count on the time it would take to feel better again (mentally and physically!). And side note - Respectfully to Fiji, but I'm so grateful I was here on the Gold Coast when it happened, and not in Fiji, because it was a scary, mad, panicked dash to the Hospital at 10pm and I was in surgery by 1am with 2.5L of blood pooling inside, which in all honesty I don't know I would have survived it had I been in Fiji. Anyways, after a longer than anticipated recovery, I'm back... Yipee!
The experience has given me a perspective that, to be fair, I did kind of have before (okay in a teeny-tiny way!), but now it's beaming out of me - LIVE YOUR LIFE !! Experience things!! Have adventures!! And bring your kids with you whilst doing this!! It's clichéd to say it, but life really is too short (and can be taken from you in an instant!) to live with hopes and dreams that you don't try to fulfill.
So, our flights - Brisbane to Nadi - are now booked for December back to our favourite place in the world. And because of this and my recent flash of perspective, I promise to get back into writing (because I love it! and I love interacting with you, Yes YOU! My Dear Reader), and my Social Media pages. I also have grand plans to do a series of You Tube vlogs whilst over there so that you can get a real feel for the fabulousness that is Fiji. Let's hope life on Fiji Time doesn't get in my way - as I know only too well how relaxed and "Fiji-time-ish" I can get whilst there.
I always had these plans, but now I'm even more gung-ho about them. I am also gung-ho about rebooting my tiny little clothing business, and getting that going again. So once I've updated my Socials I would love you to click the link below (if it's showing down below, it's ready for some love from YOU!).. Busy bee time for me!
Thanks so much to those who have written to me in my absence, and for your patience with my responses. As always, write to me, or comment down below - I LOVE IT!!
Fiji, I will see you very soon (5 weeks) !! Friends, I will write to you on this blog even sooner!
Much love,