15 Fast Fiji Facts
1. A collection of 333 islands make up Fiji

2. Only one-third of these islands are inhabited
3. The largest island called 'Viti-levu', is home to Suva, Nadi, Lautoka and Sigatoka (all the places tourists and first time expats will have probably heard of!)
4. The currency is the Fijian dollar, and represented as FJD

5. The dialing code to call Fiji is +679
6. Fijians drive on the left side of the road (same as Australia) (lol Rachael)
7. The capital city is Suva, and including it's surrounding areas has a population one-third of the whole nation (approx. 330,000)
8. Levuka (a city in the island of Ovalau) is referred to as the 'old capital'. It was the original capital city, officially moved to Suva in 1882 due to concerns that the surrounding cliffs were prohibitive in the expansion of the city

8. Fiji gained independence from the British in 1970 - they celebrate this every year as 'Fiji Day' on 10th October
9. There is a flower that only blooms in one place in the entire world - it is called the 'Tagimaucia' - and is found only in Taveuni (the nation's fifth-largest island)

10. The white sandy beaches and aqua water you see in travel brochures are mostly found off the main island, in the islands of the Yasawas and Mamanucas - go there at least once in your life!
11. The international airport is located in Nadi, which is a four-hour drive to the nation's capital of Suva. Nadi is pronounced "nan-dee". I know right now your mouth is wanting to say "nar-dee" - resist the urge!
12. The national sport is Rugby, but Fijians love all sport, with Netball and Volleyball being played in villages across the nation regularly, along with Rugby 15s and 7s. Fiji won Olympic gold at the Rio Olympics in 2016 for Rugby 7s

13. The population is made up of approximately 40% Fijians of Indian- descent (Indo-Fijians). They are mostly the descendants of indentured labourers bought to Fiji between 1879 and 1916
14. Fijians are natural sportspeople. Well-known sportsmen you may have heard of:
Lote Tuquiri - Dual International (Rugby & League for Australia)
Petero Civoniceva - NRL Australia
Vijay Singh - Golf
Waisale Serevi - 7s Rugby
Joe Rokocoko - All Blacks
Radike Samo - Qld Reds & Wallabies
Tevita Kuridrani - Brumbies & Wallabies
Henry Speight - Brumbies & Wallabies

15. Cassava is the most cultivated and consumed crop in Fiji - it tastes delicious fried!