Day at the Rugby in Fiji - the story behind my insta pic
A popular 'liked' pic on my insta feed is this:

Even though a 'picture tells a thousand words' I wanted to share more stories behind this image that I took where we were living in Sigatoka, Fiji in 2015.
The story actually begins with this team.

They are the Davetalevu Rugby team made up of boys from Rukurukulevu Village in Cuvu, Sigatoka. If you have been to the Shangrila Fijian Resort, it is the village to your right as you drive in. For a short time, whilst we were living nearby my Husband was the President of this team. He is a rugby fanatic so this was a great pairing.
It meant that each weekend we would go to the local game, often played in Lawaqa Park fairly close to Sigatoka Town.
If you know anything about Fiji, it is probably that Fijians love their rugby. Whilst Sundays are devoted to Church, Saturday is devoted to Rugby. When the village team are playing, most of the village will attend. We were lucky enough to have a ute, so most Saturdays we picked up the cheer squad (a.k.a Women and Kids) and drove them to the games.
Yes they do travel in the back. I am unsure if it is actually illegal or not? But it is very common and perhaps it would be too common of an offence to for the authorities to police. The team and the men would mostly jump on board a Carrier, which is like a ute with a long tray - mostly covered in a tarp/tent with 2 benches down each side.

This particular day it was raining and a bit cooler than normal, and the team was playing on the second fields which were muddy and wet. So there weren't very many spectators.

One of the greatest things about living in Fiji was the people we met. Genuine, caring people - 'our people'. This is my daughter with Siteri and her son, Navi. Navi couldn't play this day due to an injury. Their family is like family to us. Siteri's family was out in force to cheer.

Speaking about 'our people' - here are some Aussies we met whilst they were on holidays in Fiji. I love this family to pieces. This is one of the families I was talking about. Isn't it funny how you can go your whole life in the same country and not feel 'connected' to many people, then you meet fellow Aussies in a different country, and bam!
After watching the rugby we went for a walk to town for lunch.

We couldn't get a lift because my Husband headed back to the village (with a ute full of passengers, plus more!) for a kava ceremony following the game, which was a very regular occurrence.
Incidentally, remember Siteri in the picture above? This is Saimoni, he is the Husband of Siteri. This photo was taken back in 2011. Did I mention how much we love this family? You may have seen him at Tappoo in Sigatoka.

And this little sweetie is Fiji's cutest warrior - it is Saimoni's grandson.

So many little stories behind the one photograph.
Rugby Saturdays are awesome, but then again every day is pretty special when you are living in Fiji.

I can't remember if our team won that day? I wonder if my Aussie friends do?
Much love, and MOCE XO