Tough Decisions
This is a post from May 2014 which I wrote when we were living in Sigatoka. I have decided to copy/paste it here because it gives a great glimpse into real 'everyday' life in Fiji for us.... (again I have not amended it in any way).
It's overcast today so we spend at least an hour deciding if we should head to The Hideaway Resort today or not.
I know. We have tough decisions here in Fiji.
We haven't had any resort time for a couple of weeks.
I know. How sad, right?
Umming and aaarghing.... we decide YES let's go. So we pack our towels and togs and off we go down the hill. We meet our neighbour, the Pastor's wife, on the walk down. Nice to share the walk with somebody else today. Chit chat, chit chat.
This is her taking her little girl to town to visit the Health Care Nurse. This was the baby's first time on the bus, so we took a pic for them to remember the occasion. Bubba was born on Valentine's Day so her middle name is Valentine, so pretty...

First stop was MH (supermarket) to buy some essential supplies... bottled water and apples. Bottled water $1.69FJ for 1.5L ($1 aussie) and apples on special today (lucky us!) 4 for $1.75FJ ($1.10aussie). Apples are always imported in so are often expensive and not the best quality. This is the checkout chick. Say BULA!

I absolutely must have coffee before 2nd bus trip, so head to Tappoos Cafe... some local cops on the beat, with shiny new vests on.

Today's Fiji Sun newspaper was beaming with good news for Fijians wishing to work in Australia. I had three local Fijians ask me about this story (as though I knew Tony Abbott personally) and then ask me to find them a job in Australia. One is a barman, one is a salesman and one is taxi driver - do you know of any jobs for them?

Coffee done, newspaper read... next stop market for some fruit. Pineapples today, 3 for $5 so around $3 aussie. We didn't buy them (they just looked so good I had to photograph them). We bought a bunch of bananas for $1 - lighter to carry in our bag, and easier to eat on the run. Bargain for around 60c aussie, and yummo!

Also had to get some Indian Sweeties for the ride...

Finally on the bus that will take us to The Hideaway. It's so hot in the bus today, we are all cranky. Even the normally happy-go-lucky and very patient locals are losing their patience. The windows don't open and we wait for almost an hour for the bus to fill up and then leave. As it pulls away we give a cheer, not only because we are leaving but because the air-con kicks in.

Out the bus window leaving Sigatoka town.. .....the pink shop does hair braiding and calls out to us to come over Every. Single. Time we are in town, and no thank you we don't want our hair braided.

Some Council Workers stopping for a chat

Korotogo, a suburb which is populated heavily by foreigners. Please Drive Slowly.

Introducing the Bus Guy... his job is to check our tickets about 6 million times during the trip. You know, in case we have snuck on the bus between now and the last time he checked. He walks up and down checking tickets. I don't know his name but given the amount of times we handed each other tickets, I should have asked. I also had to be very sneaky to get this pic, just in case you were wondering why he isn't smiling at the camera.

Fresh Hot Corn, only $1... too bad we couldn't get off the bus to grab some.

Some cuties waiting for the bus... we are almost at our destination now.

Finally get there after an hour's wait on the bus, the drive only takes us about 20 minutes and costs a small $2.85FJ so around $1.90 aussie for the 2 of us (Coco doesn't count as she sits on my lap - yes compounding the heat by a billion degrees). Kids jump straight in the pool... the clouds aren't going away. And I think it must be lunchtime because there is no one around the pool except for us.

A nice couple of hours in the pool, and the clouds roll in so we hitch a ride in a taxi going past. When we get in, there is a Fijian man in the front and a lovely Fijian lady in the back with us. Bargain price of $4 all the way home, because we hitched. Love it.

Home sweet home. Could be in New York, but we aren't.. we are in FIJI!

Walk up the hill and we are home ready for dinner... Moce X